Ivo Cré

Ivo Cré
Director, Policy & Projects, POLIS- Cities and Regions Transport Innovation


In our context and line of activity, we invest a lot in peer-to-peer exchange between cities. Nothing is more inspirational, than looking at solutions that are being implemented by colleagues from other cities and learning from the planning and deployment process they have gone through. Over the past half year, with the unprecedented health crisis we are facing, this became more important than ever. There was no roadmap for the corona virus, and we help our cities navigate this crisis from a mobility perspective through international online peer-to-peer learning and good practice exchange, but equally by looking at common challenges and what didn’t work well.


Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs
Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2082 Cad. No:5
06530 Çankaya, ANKARA / Turkey
Tel: +90 312 218 13 00

Technical Assistance Team
WYG Binası Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2128. Sokak No:14 
06520 Çankaya, ANKARA / Turkey
Tel: + 90 312 219 77 55


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