Chair, EU – Turkey Working Group, Committee of Regions (CoR); Member, Haderslev Municipal Council


“The work of the European Committee of the Regions Working Group on Turkey shows the importance that direct relations between Turkish and EU local authorities are key to tackle problems that affect directly their populations. Twinning is a successful programme of the EU which has allowed sharing experiences among local authorities in many fields as the fight against climate change or the modernization of the local administration to serve better their population. Because we should not forget that the enlargement process must be, first and foremost, a process which benefits the citizens of these countries. This collaboration helps our societies to know each other better and respect the common values that are at the heart of the European project.”


Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs
Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2082 Cad. No:5
06530 Çankaya, ANKARA / Turkey
Tel: +90 312 218 13 00

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WYG Binası Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2128. Sokak No:14 
06520 Çankaya, ANKARA / Turkey
Tel: + 90 312 219 77 55


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